Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Mirror-Mask

Sometime in 2007 I came up with what I thought was one of the coolest masks ever.
Number two of the Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age, "Recognize that the other person is you.
I created a mask that allows others to see themselves when they look at you.
I called it "The Mirror-Mask."
And it is awesome!

Friday, September 09, 2011

Thought Experiments

Or maybe they can be called exercices.
When I was really young, maybe eight, I was sitting on my couch and thinking about outer-space. I was pushing my imagination to the greatest outreaches of the universe. And then I got to the end. What is beyond outer-space? ... Nothing ... I had a very Zen moment.

I am a big fan of thought experiments. They allow us to think about really fun things like infinity, artificial intelligence, and I would also include Catch-22s.

Here are two thought experiments that I invite you to explore:

What would the global economy be like if there was no more need for production?

What would it take for everyone to have the same lifestyle as the richest person, and us to live in balance with nature?