Saturday, February 24, 2007

Sing for Peace!

A friend of mine just told me this idea he had where tons of people would stand on street corners all over the city and sing the same song. I think that is such a creative thing to do. So, I'm game. It will take a lot of organizing and a lot of courageous people, but it will be such a blast. There are so many creative things we can do to make the world a better place, we are so lucky.
Peace in the world comes from peace within each individual. I strive to be at peace in myself so I can add to calm, loving joy in the world. Practice being happy. Share happiness with all who you come in contact with. And, be a leader for peace. Help to build social policy that supports people being at peace within. The bulk of the America Common Wealth currently goes to war and prisons. Coming from the stand point of wanting life to flourish on the planet and for humans to live wonderful fulfilling lives, spending money on war and prisons, is actually not the best use of our money. I can understand how many people have become confused about this issue. We all need to feel safe and secure. However, if everyone had their basic needs of food, water, shelter and health care, met, then people would feel more at peace within, therefor, not needing to react with violence.
We live in a world of Prosperity. Though, wars throughout history, and today, have always been fought because of feelings of scarcity. Since the developed world is held up by fossil fuels, and in light of China and other countries developing so quickly, as well as the limited nature of oil, some people in America are very nervous and believe it is necessary to wage war to secure the oil in the Middle East for America.
I, being an American, know that it is very easy for people in this society to live in fear. Though my country highly emphasizes freedom, what it values above all else is individuality. The consciousness of everyone for their self is very contradictory to making use of the prosperity the world has to offer. The current usage of Capitalism is only beneficial to the point where an individual is making a lot of money. So it is good that oil is scarce, because there is a high demand and a low supply, so the people in control of the oil can make a lot of profit. But, this doesn't serve everyone in the world, and that is who I care about.
Advances in technology would be best used making the world a better place, not by control wealth in the hands of a few. We have the technology to create cars with the use of robots, but instead of the profits going back to serve and provide for people in the community, people lose their jobs, and the money goes to a few. And what we see, instead of more relaxed people who can spend their time contributing to the world, are people without money committing crimes and going to jail because we have rules that say you can make money one way but not another. There are a lot of double standards in this system, for instance, destroying the environment that we all need for survival is accepted, but there is 'zero tolerance' for selling drugs. The fact is that neither of these things is beneficial to life on the planet, and both should be discouraged.
Individualism powers the consumer culture. Sharing is something that isn't often thought about past elementary school. Share things reduces that amount of stuff we need to buy. When people become more comfortable with sharing with their neighbors, there will be little reason for everybody to have their own vacuum, for instance. Sharing will also drive an economy that supports sustainability and peace. We have the technology to create infrastructures to make sure all are provided for, so all will have food and water, and health care. And when we use these technologies for others, rather than for personal gain, it will do wonders to relieve people of feelings of scarcity and the perceived need to solve problems with violence.
I can see an economy where people are motivated by doing the most for others. If not just for a personal feeling satisfaction in helping, but maybe for bragging rights. "I helped the world more, haha!"( just kidding) But really, we should all feel blessed and humbled by our ability to serve. All gratitude is due to the infinite creative energy that is within all and is all. For me it is most easy to think of God as being Life. Life is God, God is God, God is Life, Life is Life, All is Life, All is God. The purpose of life is to serve life, and, by the grace of god, that is what we are all doing.
Sat Nam! Thanks!


The Only Living Girl in New York said...

That is wonderful. I have a similar idea that I want to start. Chalking for Peace...

Rion said...

Go get your Chalk on! :) Sometimes there's no better time than the present.